Company History

Company History

Founding Ideology

Nepalese Business World have been deep-rooted with family values and tradition since long. They mostly have family-run initiation, person-centric system and process and mostly are of first or second genre. The concept of “Going Corporate” have lately developed and are mostly in regulated sectors only like Banking & Insurance, Power etc. Though there has been increasing realization towards going corporate and being system-driven, but most of them can still be concluded of having dire need of any / some sort of Professional workforce, professional work set-up, know-how, On-the-Job Training & Development and knowledge of how the world does at the best. Furthermore, usage of latest technology has still remained as virgin area to explore and usage. These lackings have resulted in Nepalese business fraternities in getting adversely tangled within themselves resulting in either loss making or far-below par performance.

Hence, a team of experienced professionals and experts identified this grey area as their opportunity to brush off the difference and support the Nepalese business and corporate fraternity professionally, joined hands together to incorporate a management consultancy company. Furthermore, they collaborated with other national and international firms, companies, consultants and experts in various segments to enrich their delivery at client level – To get how the world does it at its best – and Ascent Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. was floated. We embrace Glocal – means we have a global mindset and reach, but we also needfully accommodate the cultures, ideals and the needs of the local circumstances and suggest the best fit for them

Ascending par Excellence, as the name resonances, Ascent Consultancy Services Private Limited (prefer to be referred as “Ascent“), was incorporated with Company’s Registration No. 122454/70/71 under Nepal Companies Act, 2006 on 11th May, 2014 as a multi-faced management-consulting firm located at Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Ascent has progressed in leaps & bounds and has created its distinct image amongst the Nepalese   service market in providing various consulting and trainings to the corporate fraternity and the professionals. It has keen interest and thus successfully managed international programs hosted by the speakers of international repute, handled management / outsourcing consulting, provided CBS consulting services to prominent financial institutions, assisted in weaving strategic & operational plans, policies and schemes.

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